In the Present Moment: When when when?
A lot of folks have been asking, "So, when will you actually get The Kid?" So, here's the deal on that...there is still a LOT that has to happen before we become Plus One... I still need to get fingerprinted by our local police department (the only hours in which to take care of this task...Thursdays 10:00-noon and 1:00-2:30) we're waiting on the letter from the bank stating that we can afford The Kid I have yet to request a letter from my workplace we're waiting on letters of reference from friends also still waiting on an FBI clearance confirming that we are not terrorists or members of the Most Wanted list Chris and I need to submit all of our paperwork - once received - to social worker M social worker M needs to write up her report (the Home Study) stating that we are fit to be parents we need to submit our application to the adoption law firm after applying to the law firm then we need to write our profile materials profile then needs to be p...