
Showing posts from September, 2010

In the Present Moment: Still here (again)

I'm still here. Just very focused on health and weight loss at the moment. Trying to move ahead with life during "The Wait." So, if you need a good chuckle or two, please come visit my other blog,  80 Sticks of Butter , where you can read all about torture by stability ball, the Fall Fitness Challenge in which I'm currently engaged, and my battle to get and stay healthy. Hopefully we'll have adoption news soon, but until's all about health and fitness.

150 Steps: My Other Family

I was a pretty active kid in middle school, high school, and college -- swim team, theatre, speech team, baseball, and just messing around with friends -- but from the time I was 10 and a half until my sophomore year of college, there was an unbroken thread running through my life:  Troop 82 Providence  and Scoutmaster  Donald C. Dewing . Don founded the Troop in 1927 and was its only scoutmaster until his death in December 1988, just hours after attending a Troop meeting. Don was the heart and soul of 82 and, more than that, he was a friend, mentor, guide, and father figure for the almost 1,000 boys who passed through the Troop's ranks. When I joined the Troop in the summer of 1979, some of the assistant scoutmasters had themselves been scouts in Troop 82 in the 1940s. In many cases, it was a family affair with multiple brothers having passed through the ranks and then returned with their sons, at least one of whom was explicitly named in honor of Don Dewing. We spen...

In the Present Moment: Still no news...

All's quiet on the adoption front. Chris and I have some decisions to make about potential changes to our profile. And we're going to re-do many of our photos in the coming months as we both shed the pounds. But otherwise... [ Insert the sound of crickets here ] I had been eager a while back to get the guest room turned into a nursery, but with the start of my busy, busy season at work and the new focus on weight loss with its attendant time commitment (prepping food and taking time to exercise...) I ended up not getting around to painting as I had planned. Perhaps Columbus Day Weekend would be a good time to do that.  Hoping for news soon, but attending to life in the meantime.