In the Present Moment: A good person
"You're so good to be doing this." "Wow. It's such a good thing you're doing - adopting this baby who would have had a horrible life." "You're a good person." No, I'm not. I mean, I am, but I'm not when it comes to adoption. If I were a truly good person, I'd be adopting a 15 year-old away from foster care and dealing with whatever behavioral and other issues he/she might have from years of being shuffled in and out of foster care. If I were a truly good person, I'd donate the money I'm spending on adoption to family planning clinics to prevent the crisis and unwanted pregnancies that lead to adoption in the first place. Or I'd consider working with a family who is considering surrendering a child purely for financial reasons by providing them with the resources necessary to help them keep that child. There are all kinds of things I would do if I were a good person when it comes to adoption. "Just...