In the Present Moment: Can I really call myself a writer?
"What do you do?"
It's what grownups ask each other by way of a greeting because we so often identify ourselves by what we do professionally.
"I'm a stay-at-home-mom," I reply.
And if I'm meeting someone who is not another SAHM, but instead a member of the "working world" that statement is often met with a blank look or a tepid, "Oh, well, that's nice."
So, then I add, "Oh, and I'm also a writer."
At this point the non-SAHM perks up with a, "Oh! Really? What do you write?"
Apparently learning about what I write is more interesting than hearing stories about making snacks, wiping butts, and hanging out with my 3.5 year-old daughter.
"I write a blog and I'm working on my first novel," and then I add with a laugh, "which is languishing in my laptop."
So there it is.
I'm a writer.
Of sorts.
Truth be told I have not worked on my novel in earnest since my daughter arrived in our lives three and a half years ago.
I always knew when I made the choice to stay at home with my daughter that my creative life would take a hit. Raising a kid is hard work. It takes time and energy. When we decided to adopt one of the conditions I laid out to my husband was that we would need to live on his salary. I knew full well that I would not be capable of raising of a small child and holding down a job outside of the home. And so I left a career in which I had burned out and started my SAHM gig. And for the most part it has been awesome.
It didn't occur to me that I would not be capable of raising a small child and at the same time having a creative life. That I would stop writing.
But I did.
Only recently have a I resurrected this blog.
And my novel?
Still languishing in this laptop.
Am I really a writer?
I don't know.
It's what grownups ask each other by way of a greeting because we so often identify ourselves by what we do professionally.
"I'm a stay-at-home-mom," I reply.
And if I'm meeting someone who is not another SAHM, but instead a member of the "working world" that statement is often met with a blank look or a tepid, "Oh, well, that's nice."
So, then I add, "Oh, and I'm also a writer."
At this point the non-SAHM perks up with a, "Oh! Really? What do you write?"
Apparently learning about what I write is more interesting than hearing stories about making snacks, wiping butts, and hanging out with my 3.5 year-old daughter.
"I write a blog and I'm working on my first novel," and then I add with a laugh, "which is languishing in my laptop."
So there it is.
I'm a writer.
Of sorts.
Truth be told I have not worked on my novel in earnest since my daughter arrived in our lives three and a half years ago.
I always knew when I made the choice to stay at home with my daughter that my creative life would take a hit. Raising a kid is hard work. It takes time and energy. When we decided to adopt one of the conditions I laid out to my husband was that we would need to live on his salary. I knew full well that I would not be capable of raising of a small child and holding down a job outside of the home. And so I left a career in which I had burned out and started my SAHM gig. And for the most part it has been awesome.
It didn't occur to me that I would not be capable of raising a small child and at the same time having a creative life. That I would stop writing.
But I did.
Only recently have a I resurrected this blog.
And my novel?
Still languishing in this laptop.
Am I really a writer?
I don't know.
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